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Dental Sedation in Lloydminster for Adults and Children

At Orion Dental Group, our Lloydminster General Dentists can help ease your anxiety with Dental Sedation. 

Our general dentists are trained and certified in administering dental sedation to patients in need of additional comfort. Although we strive to provide gentle dental care in all cases, we understand that many patients are extremely sensitive to dental work, or are anxious about visiting a dental office. Sedation dentistry provides many patients the opportunity to receive our care under more comfortable circumstances. Orion Dental Group is your Lloydminster dental clinic that safely provides sedation options under the experienced guidance of Dr. Acia Rizvi and Dr. Sarah Paul, our general dentists.  

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Safety First

We offer various sedation options to extend the benefits to all ages and patients that require temporary anxiety relief to receive dental treatment. Our dentists discuss current medications and medical history before recommending a method that's right for you. Additionally, a dedicated team stays in the operatory during your procedure to support the doctors, providing assistance and constant monitoring of vital signs. These standard measures are in accordance with professional guidelines in order to enhance patient safety and quality of care. Reasons patients might request sedation include anxiety, a sensitive gag reflex, or an inability to remain still during dental treatment.

Nitrous Gas

Safe for patients of all ages, you inhale this method through a nasal hood. Also commonly called “laughing gas,” it helps patients feel euphoric and relaxed during procedures while remaining conscious. Your vital statistics are monitored throughout the procedure by our team during your dental treatment.

When your treatment is complete, the gas is purged from the lungs with 100 percent oxygen, and then patients are free to go. This method is generally safe for everyone and requires limited to no downtime, allowing most patients to return to daily activities. It must be kept in mind that everyone is unique and results involving effectiveness may vary for each person. 

Oral Sedatives

We offer oral sedation for both adults and children using a prescribed medication. Patients will bring the prescribed medication to the office the day of their dental procedure to allow the dentist to administer it prior to the procedure. Your vital statistics are monitored throughout the dental treatment.

Oral sedation can be stronger than nitrous sedation, the effects of oral sedation can last longer for advanced procedures. Patients remain conscious throughout their treatment, able to receive instructions when necessary with some memory loss. Post-procedure, patients are required to have someone transport them home. 

Conscious Sedation

Given through an IV, conscious sedation is used for patients who require greater anxiety relief and will be in the dental chair for extensive dental treatment. This method of sedation will place patients in a conscious state of sedation, creating some acute memory loss of the procedure and help to decrease anxiety and discomfort. Patients are able to receive instructions when necessary with IV sedation.

The IV port also allows for administration of pain medications as well if needed. Patients will require transportation before and after receiving this method of sedation and should take a whole day to recover before returning to daily activity. We take special care to explain the procedure and steps before administering IV sedation to patients. Patients are seen for an initial consultation to assess medical status and sedation requirements.

We are proud to offer these sedation options to patients, for our passion is to provide compassionate dental care to patients in discomfort, and to give you a positive dental experience.  

Dental Sedation for Children

A visit to the dentist should be as comfortable as possible for you and your loved ones. At Orion Dental Group we offer a non-threatening, warm and welcoming environment for all of our patients including our youngest patients! We strive to create a positive experience for our young patients, but often a lack of co-operation, anxiety or a true fear can create a not so pleasant experience. To help create a more pleasant experience we offer conscious sedation to our young patients.

Conscious sedation does not put the child "under" or "out" but mildly sedates the child to allow for better co-operation, that ideally relaxes the child to allow for dental treatment to be completed. Conscious sedation can also create acute memory loss of the procedure putting the child at greater ease for future successive dental appointments. Mild conscious dental sedation is a safer method of relaxation for dental treatment than general anesthesia.

However, for some general anesthesia may be the only means for which a child can have dental work completed and may be referred to a specialist. Our dentists will evaluate each child based on need and recommend an option best for your child.

Visit Orion Dental Group for Children's Dental Sedation

Our caring professionals, Dr. Rizvi and Dr. Paul, are experienced and qualified in providing sedation dentistry. As your Lloydminster dentist, we provide dental sedation to Lloydminster and surrounding areas including Vermillion and Wainwright.



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